About the SIG



 Established on 3rd December 2020, the BALEAP TEd in EAP SIG specialises in the area of teacher education for the EAP profession, specifically the education and professional development of EAP practitioners.

The main aims of this SIG are...

 BALEAP TEd in EAP Constitution

1. Membership

Members do not have to have membership of BALEAP, but members putting themselves forward to join the Committee must have either an individual or institutional membership with BALEAP. Further information and instructions on how to join the SIG are provided on the TED in EAP website, or you can click here.

2. Name

TEd in EAP

The TEd IN EAP Special Interest Group (SIG) may also be referred to by other names: ‘The Group’ meaning the Committee plus members, and ‘the Committee’ or ‘Committee Members’ meaning only members of the Committee.

There are two types of members: ‘Members’ refers to anyone who has a membership of the TEd in EAP by virtue of being enrolled in the TEd in EAP MS Team. As alluded to in the above point, ' Committee Members' are members who are part of the Committee.

3. Purpose

Those who want to join the SIG will be required to complete the online form and provide their contact details, which will be kept securely. Once they have submitted the form, the secretary will contact the member with further details on how to join the JISC Mail and agree to the conditions outlined in the privacy notice.

A Member is defined as someone who has registered. Membership is assumed to be ongoing and ends at the Member’s request. Members can cancel membership by sending an email to the TEd in EAP using the email address used to join.

Members may attend the AGM (Annual General Meeting) and participate in voting.

4. Communication platforms

The Committee uses an MS Team called TEd IN EAP SIG for operational matters and is accessible only to the Committee. Other communication platforms are:

For the purposes or webinars, meetings or similar, the communications platform Zoom may be used.

The group uses a shared mailbox: EAP@baleap.org owned by BALEAP, to communicate internally and externally. All Committee Members have access to this mailbox. The TEd in EAP@baleap.org email address is also on the BALEAP mailing list.

5. Committee members and their powers

The founding executive committee consists of:

Core members

Events Coordinator

Additional members/roles

Social Media Coordinator

Web Coordinator

Roles and responsibilities

Unless stated otherwise, references to roles in the following description are to TEd in EAP Committee Members.


The SIG Convenor’s role is to coordinate and oversee all areas of the SIG’s activities, which are to:


The SIG’s Secretary provides administrative support to the SIG Convenor, Treasurer, and Events Coordinator as required. Responsibilities are to:


The SIG’s Treasurer manages the finances of the SIG. Responsibilities are to:

Events Coordinator

The SIG Events Coordinator organises events to promote the specific interests of the SIG. Responsibilities are to:

Social Media Coordinator

The SIG Social Media Coordinator oversees SIG communication via social media. Responsibilities are to:

Web Coordinator

The SIG Web Coordinator designs, develops and manages the SIG website. Responsibilities are to:

6. Meetings, including AGM

Regular meetings

The Committee should meet every four to six weeks via Zoom, Teams, or a similar platform, to track progress and participation, and more frequently when it is felt necessary.

During such meetings, the Committee Members should cover, but are not limited to, the following items:

AGM meetings

The AGM will take place every 12 months, with a maximum of 15 months between AGMs if circumstances require flexibility. The first AGM was held in 2021.

The AGM agenda will include:

At the AGM, the Committee will:

Members will be notified of the date, time, and venue of the AGM via the TED IN EAP and BALEAP mailing lists at least four weeks before the meeting and can submit items for discussion up to two weeks before the meeting. A quorum of *10 TED IN EAP Members must attend the meeting for it to ratify or elect officers, or to make decisions on behalf of the Group.

7. Committee Election

First year

On first being established, Committee Members can put themselves forward for office and act in that capacity. An AGM should be held within the first year of activity and their positions should then be ratified. They will then be in office for a further two years but must stand for re-election (if they so wish) at that point.

Subsequent years

Once established, Committee Members should be elected at the AGM and should serve for a term of two years, renewable for one further term (of two years). The SIG Convenor will serve for three years, renewable for one further term (of three years). All Committee Members must be BALEAP members.

Election procedures

TEd in EAP AGMs will take place either in person or virtually using Microsoft Teams, Zoom or a similar online platform following the procedures set out below:

Candidates are required to ask another Member who does not currently hold a position within the Committee to second their nomination and to declare any potential conflicts of interest; for example, if they have another role in BALEAP or within another SIG.

Once all nominations forms have been received, the name of the candidates and their personal statements from the nomination forms will be circulated to Members via the TEd in EAP MS Teams or similar platform.

In the event of a Committee Member standing down from their role before their term has reached its natural end, other Committee Members will agree to cover the role and its duties until the next election whereby the position can be ratified, or a new Committee Member be elected to the position.

At the AGM

The AGM agenda will include the item “Committee Election”.

The TEd in EAP Convenor or a designated Committee member will either announce the successful candidate(s) if there is only one candidate for each role or confirm the arrangements for the vote using a show of hands (if in person) or an online equivalent a. Candidates with the highest numbers of votes will be elected. Rather than hold up the meeting, votes will be counted whilst the meeting carries on, and the results will be declared at the end of the meeting, where possible.

In the event of a tie, *the BALEAP SIGs Officer will have the casting vote.

If nobody has put themselves forward for nomination before the AGM, Members with BALEAP membership can be invited to do so at the AGM itself. As long as another Member seconds them, a vote can still be held. Note: All SIG Members participating in the AGM are eligible to vote.

After the election

The TEd in EAP Committee will formally approve new members and will inform the BALEAP SIGs Officer about the changes to the committee in writing. The SIG will confirm in writing to new Committee Member(s) when their term of office concludes.

8. Finances

Each SIG will receive up to £200 per year (August to July) towards expenses incurred in the running of the SIG. A record of how the subsidy is spent will be included in the Annual Report. Other than this, the TEd in EAP will be self-funding.

Bank account

At present, the TEd in EAP does not have its own bank account, but should one be needed, the SIG Treasurer will open a bank account in their name. Bank details including the sort code, account number and signatories will be sent to the BALEAP Treasurer and the BALEAP SIGs Officer.

Financial accountability

The accounting year runs to 31 July. Each year, the SIG Treasurer will prepare an account showing income and expenditure. The SIG Accounts will be made available to the SIG members at the SIG’s AGM and to the BALEAP Executive Committee as part of the Annual Report by 15th October of each year. If the SIG has no income or expenditure to report, it will submit a declaration of no financial activity.

The following documents, as applicable, should also be scanned and made available to the SIGs Officer and BALEAP Treasurer:

Budgeting for events

When planning for a SIG event, a budget should be prepared. Event budgets in year one of SIG activity should be sent to the BALEAP SIGs Officer. Thereafter, such information can be included in the Annual Report.

9. Setting up and closing a SIG

Support for SIGs in difficulty

SIGs in difficulty are encouraged to contact the BALEAP SIGs Officer for advice and assistance. In particular circumstances and with the agreement of the BALEAP SIGs Officer and BALEAP executive committee, SIGs may suspend activity for a period of time (see SIGs Handbook).

Closure of SIG

If there is no longer sufficient membership support or interest in the SIG, this should be reported to the BALEAP Executive Committee. If the SIG fails to submit an Annual Report for two years and if there is a lack of activity for one year, BALEAP will close a SIG.

10. Team working ethos

For the BALEAP TEd in EAP to achieve its purpose and ambitions, the Group aspires to be transparent and inclusive in its operations. In this spirit of transparency, consulting and/or informing Committee Members of intentions or proposals for the SIG is essential, particularly in the preparation of formal documentation, public communications, published works, or events, intended for external parties outside the immediate Group (BALEAP included).